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Where do I begin?  Angela is a true gift from the universe and  she has my highest endorsement for all things healing.   If you are looking for sound bowl healing, a great workout, energy work, or any spiritual healing, she is your woman.  She has the true gift of reading energy, identifying blockages, connecting with her spirit guides and leading clients through the healing they need.  Angela has helped immensely with my healing over the past couple years.   I feel safe to release emotions, and really open up with her.  She helped me to identify and clear out energy that wasn't mine, which was really dragging me down,  open my heart chakra, lead me through deep visualizations/meditations to find my energetic match in a partner, cut energetic cords with past partners, and forgive family members.   She intuitively knows what I need.  Not only is she a dear friend and mentor, but she is a magical and powerful healer.  I truly cannot recommend her enough, without reservation. 

- Jenny Kast- Quantum Life Coach,  PT. 
Las meditaciones, limpiezas, y sanaciones con Angela ha estado fundamental en apoyando el manejo de mi ansiedad y preocupaciones intensas.  A traves de sus lecciones y dirección he aprendido técnicas que me ayudan a tranqulisarme.  Con ella, tengo inspiración y esperanza que el universo y los poderes que hay, me esta cuidando y dándome fuerzas para continuar creciendo y guiando mi familia. Angela crea un espacio seguro donde uno puede dejar y sacar las energías negativas y mover adelante. Alicia